Tri Fair

This project addressed designing the interior of a fashion retail store. The requirements included designing within a given space and allotting specific square footage per merchandise type and section.

INSPIRATION: A clean and feminine aesthetic was chosen for the fashion store, with light colors, curved lines, and simple designs.
STORE FRONT SKETCH: White and light with merchandise displayed in all glass store fronts.
STORE FRONT: White and light with merchandise displayed in all glass store fronts
FIRST FLOOR BUBBLE DIAGRAM: The project required specific square footage for different merchandise. The diagram created a general concept of how much space each section would need and where it would be placed.
FIRST FLOOR: Upon entering the store customers would see all the way through in a way that simulates the experience of entering a garden path that leads to a central piece. Here the central piece is a large display at the end of the walk way. Curved shelving would incase both sides of the walkway with a central display tables in between.
FIRST FLOOR = WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES & FRAGRANCE + WOMENS LOUNGE: Sketch includes glass shelving tables and wall shelving. + Includes shelving and wall cabinet.

FIRST FLOOR = WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES & FRAGRANCE + WOMENS LOUNGE: SketchUp model includes glass shelving, tables, and wall shelving. + Includes shelving and wall cabinet as well as turning displays. 

SECOND FLOOR BUBBLE DIAGRAM: The second floor contains the remainder of the merchandise as well as a men’s lounge and fitting room.  
SECOND FLOOR: The second floor has the fur coats on curved hanger lines as well as more merchandise tables at the back of the store. The men’s lounge includes seating and a bar.